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Pool Books & Videos
Bebob Publishing was founded in 1992 to create and distribute training resources and other enjoyable books and videos to pool players and fans. Since then, the company has displayed at countless tournaments and built a distinguished roster of satisfied customers. Bebob Publishing has the billiard books and videos that will help you play better and enjoy it more! Good luck & good shootin’!
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By Carlos Ledson Miller, this has been called the best pool novel since The Color of Money. At age nine, Danny Toussaint is abandoned by his mother in the New Orleans French Quarter and a Cajun madam and a veteran cop assume the role of surrogate parents. In his teens, Danny discovers a talent for playing pool and is drawn to the thrill of gambling and hustling. When he loses his 'country club' wife ten years later, he becomes a professional player. Leaving his new girlfriend behind, he travels from pool room to pool room with the enforcer of the local mob boss, to whom Danny owes thousands of dollars. He is about to play in the game of his life when Hurricane Katrina changes everything. An exciting story. RETAIL $19.95 - BEBOB SPECIAL - $16.95
ONLY EIGHT LEFT! THIS DVD TITLE IS RETIRED AND NO LONGER AVAILABLE FROM THE PUBLISHER. In three videos on one DVD, CJ Wiley teaches you his systematic approach to playing great pocket billiards. He describes each step in his unique pre-shot routine, outlines the fundamentals of the game, provides insights to his tournament winning mental side, and includes footage from ESPN matches to show you how to win. Balancing your body, Building your bridge, Connecting to the line of the shot, Strengthening your stroke, Developing a straight delivery, Correct grip pressure, Using the diamonds, Putting power into your break, The draw shot, Shooting off the rail, How to handle the mental side of pool, how to make the pocket bigger, an aiming system, and a lot more. ONLY EIGHT LEFT!
Robert Byrne's Power Pool Workout: Volume 5 – Practice Drills and Training Secrets for the Serious Player. This was the fifth DVD in the Byrne’s series and by far the most powerful! A definite work-out video for your pool game and includes: improving your stroke; shot making secrets; power position play; the winning attitude; precision bank shots; cut shot control; and charting your progress. If you are willing to work at it, this video will improve your game by leaps and bounds! Limited supply. RETAIL $19.95 -BEBOB SPECIAL - $16.95
The 290 page Pro Book revolutionized the coaching and development of pool players. Designed for the competitive player, it has four major training sections. The Physical Game: fundamentals, reference training for position shots, safeties, kicks, kick safeties and banks, and performance conditioning and nutrition. The Mental Game: mental training, concentration and the secrets of focus, rituals and routines, playing different game styles, match dynamics, controlling momentum and more. The Emotional Game: motivation, creating and using powerful goals, using the elements of peak performance, scouting and accessing your best game. Putting It Together: how to let go, training vs. performance, designing a 30-day training program, making and using pre-match and competition plans and match reviews. RETAIL - $49.95 - BEBOB SPECIAL - $39.95
This HARDCOVER edition is a collection of 365 Days of Instruction, Motivation and Insights for Pool Players. It's like having a professional coach hitting you with one short, focused topic on the game to set your day and keep you focused and on the road to playing better pool. Each of 365 topics covers an important element required to play at a masterful level. Some will remind you of things you have forgotten and many will lead you to a higher understanding of strategy, technique or execution. All will help you build a stronger game. Includes a directory of quotes, reference materials and a comprehensive index. RETAIL - $34.95 - $24.95 (limited time offer - priced same as the soft cover)
This 4-DVD set is based on the reference training section of the Pro Book and is a complete training system for developing and maintaining advanced table skills. The Sweet Sixteen: build and strengthen your skill and open up your “A” game by mastering the 16 root shots and the 14 primary extended shots. The Outer Limits: discover the limits of each shot and pick the right one for each task. Eliminate shot selection doubt by mastering the boundary and extended boundary shots. It's Hammer Time: learn the principles of safety play. Practice the 16 root safeties and kick safeties and win more matches. The Great Escape: learn the strategic kicking zones and stop giving up ball-in-hand, learn the strategic bank shots and the “hard to judge” banks. Get out more often. RETAIL - $134.95 - BEBOB SPECIAL - $107.95